60% Revenue Share
All partners start at a base revenue share of 60%. Thanks to Freedom! you can earn 70% up to 110%!
Yes, 110%!
Freedom! Dashboard
Because we are a network powered by Freedom!, that means you get access to Freedom!'s powerful Dashboard. This allows you to check earnings reports, use your Freedom! points, find people to collaborate with, and use countless other tools.
24/7 Partner Support
At ANB we strive to answer any questions you might have about the network, copyright, directorship, or anything else regarding your YouTube channel. We will try our hardest to answer you questions as quickly as possible.
Huge Music Database
We find that looking for Royalty free music for your videos is one of the hardest things to do. Well, thanks to Freedom! you have a database of hundreds of songs for you to use free of cost!
No Lock-In Contract
We feel that since none of us are lawyers, you shouldn't have to be locked into a contract that you didn't know you were locked into. That's why we offer no lock-in contracts. You can end your partnership agreement at anytime, no questions asked.
We Need Directors
We are searching for several directors tp upload on our main channel. You must produce high quality videos and you must be an ANB partner. So if you're looking for some extra exposure and possibly some extra money than go to the partner portal and apply.
Apply for partnership now
We would love you to join the team at ANB! We shoot for 30 views per day from our partners, but exceptions can be made. If you want to join the ANB Network then click apply below!