ANB Partner Portal - FAQ
Welcome to our exclusive Partner Portal! Here you will find FAQ's and their answers. If you don't find an answer here make sure you check out the forums here or contact us here.
When do you get payed?
ANB partners get paid monthly:
January monetized views are paid out end of March (Mar 31st)
February monetized views are paid out end of April (Apr 30th)
March monetized views are paid out end of May (May 31st)
April monetized views are paid out end of June (June 30th)
May monetized views are paid out end of July (July 31st)
June monetized views are paid out end of August (August 31st)
July monetized views are paid out end of September (September 30th)
August monetized views are paid out end of October (October 31st)
September monetized views are paid out end of November (November 30th)
October monetized views are paid out end of December (December 31st)
November monetized views are paid out end of January (January 31st)
December monetized views are paid out end of February (Feb 28th)
… and so on
Payment by PayPal
To get paid, just tell us your PayPal email address!
My Freedom Dashboard isn't showing my payments?
The freedom! dashboard can be accessed here:
The freedom! dashboard updates once a month on the 13th - 16th of the month, so if you don't see a month's payments showing up it hasn't been added to our dashboard yet. The reason for this is to guarantee we pay all of our partners all that they are owed!
How can you move to another network?
Some of you want to move to another sub-network powered by Freedom! due to various reasons. Simply fill out this form where you can request your transfer.
The applications will be processed every beginning of the month, so it may take a while to be transferred if you apply to get moved in the middle of the month.Your current sub-network will be informed about your application and they may contact you asking why you want to leave their network.
If you want to cancel your application, simply e-mail with your custom ID, a link to your channel and the network you were leaving.
The Freedom! Family and ANB offer no lock-in contracts, so to get out of your current contract simply fill out a ticket here.
When should you contact support?
At support, we get a lot of e-mails with inquiries that are either unnecessary to be asked or aren't supposed to be asked to the support team. To give you a few guidelines on what you shouldn't be e-mailing the support team for, I listed a few examples below.
Suggestions The support department won't be able to do anything with your suggestions. Instead, we have a section on the community where you can post your suggestions, there they will get properly reviewed and you can get feedback from other partners. The section can be found here.
YouTube bugs When you notice a bug or error on YouTube, contacting the support department isn't going to help you out. These bugs occur inconsistently and our support team is most likely not familiar with your error. Instead, try googling your problem. The chance on finding someone who had had the same bug before, is much greater.
Bad behavior in our community If you see someone violate the forum rules, contacting the support department won't lead to any measures. This is because the support team isn't allowed to undertake measures on our forums. Instead, you should contact a forum moderator or admin. It's their job to keep the forums clean and they will undertake the necessary actions towards the person who violated our rules.
Channel content Sometimes, people ask us for tips on how to improve their channels or videos. The support department won't be able to help you with these type of questions, because we're only here for Freedom! orpartnership related questions. If you still need tips, we suggest you collaborate with our partners in our community at There will be a lot of youtubers who are more than willing to help you improve your content!
Channel spotlight A lot of channels would love to be spotlighted by Freedom!, so they e-mail the support department in hopes of achieving this. Unfortunately, the support department can't arrange a spotlight for you, you need to be picked out.
These are examples for what you shouldn't be e-mailing the support department for. It could be that your inquiry isn't listed above, then please take note of the reasoning behind the examples listed above and then determine if your question is one for support to take care of or not.
Below is a list of scenarios in which you can definitely contact the support department.
Interested in joining ANB If you're a YouTuber and you're interested in joining ANB, but you were left with some questions regarding our network after checking our website, you can always e-mail the support department. They are happy to enlighten you about what ANB really is.
Dashboard invitation It occasionally happens that people accidentally reject their dashboard invitation or it didn't arrive properly. In that case, you can e-mail the support department and they will check for you if there's perhaps a problem and if there's not, they will send you a new invite.
Password forgotten If you've forgotten your dashboard password, you can e-mail the support department and they will reset if for you.
If you're still in doubt of whether your question is suited for the support department, you can always e-mail us. We will direct you in the right way for resolving your inquiry.
Partnership Invitation
Shortly after you are accepted as a partner of the ANB Network, you will be receiving an invite to the network on your YouTube Dashboard. All you have to do is click learn more, and accept it!
What to do if you don't see the "Learn More" Button
A lot of people do not see the "Learn More" button on their YouTube dashboard when they receive an email from Freedom! saying they have been accepted.
Below are 5 main reasons for you to not see this button.
Sometimes the YouTube invitation system bugs out. If none of the reasons below are the problem, the invite system might have bugged out. No problem! Just fill out a ticket with Freedom! support.
(1) - Did you sign into YouTube with the channel that is expecting partnership?
Try clicking "Switch Account" in the top-right corner of YouTube if you have more than one YouTube channel.
(2) - Is your YouTube account in Good Standing?
We can only partner channels that are in Good Standing. See your YouTube Channel Settings to see if your channel is in Good Standing.
(3) - Do you have a healthy AdSense account?
If YouTube disabled your AdSense account, we cannot partner your channel. In this case, all you need to do is re-enable AdSense.
Click the Monetization link in your YouTube Channel Settings to see if you have a healthy and enabled AdSense account.
If your AdSense was disabled for invalid activity, fill out the Invalid Activity Appeal here.
(4) - Is your monetization option enabled?
We can only send your channel an invitation when your channel has the Monetization option enabled. You can enable this by going to your YouTube Features and click "enable" close to the Monetization bar.
(5) - Did you accidentally reject the partnership invitation?
Fill out a ticket request here and we will re-send it
Interested in becoming a director? We are always looking for dedicated content creators that would like to upload on our channel. This will help you gain some more exposure on your YouTube account as well as provide a unique opportunity to collaborate with other talented content creators.
As soon as we accept you as a director, you can start submitting videos to be uploaded on ANB's channel(s). We will let you know when your video will be uploaded or if your video has some reason it can't be uploaded (copyright music, offensive language, etc.)
Apply to be a director here.
Revenue and CPM
Freedom! is based off of a 60% revenue share. That means all of our partners get 60% of the entire ad revenue generated for an entire month (or CPM). We split the remaining ad revenue 50-50 with Freedom! meaning that they get 20% and we get 20%.
In June 2014, we averaged $12.78 CPM - $7.67 RPM on 60% rev share - in one month across the entire Freedom! network in the UK.
Freedom! is based off of a 60% revenue share.
Also in June 2014, we averaged $11.02 CPM - $6.61 RPM on 60% rev share - in one month across the entire Freedom! network in the USA.
In April to May 2014, we averaged $10.59 CPM - $6.35 RPM on 60% rev share - across the entire Freedom! network in the USA.
And in January 2014 (the worst month for ad buys and CPM) we averaged $7.67 CPM globally - $4.60 RPM on 60% rev share.
Many people do not understand the basic CPM principle: CPM depends only on your channel's content, not the network you are partnered with. Every MCN is treated equally in YouTube's advertising system. No one has a "special" deal with YouTube to get higher CPM for their partners. They are all the same.
It is not helpful to compare earnings of one channel in Network X to earnings of another similar channel in Network Y thinking that somehow helps you see if Network X gives higher CPM.
What matters is your channel's content and using relevant titles, tags, descriptions. If you use bogus tags, like "iPhone 5" when your video has nothing to do with the iPhone 5, your CPM will go down. Why? Because YouTube will see that when someone searches for "iPhone 5" and watches your video, they quickly run away and YouTube concludes that you used a bogus tag. The penalty is: lower search positions and lower CPM.